Source libre - Introduction

Since long, people have asked me why I do not write a tech blog......

Connecting a MySQL table to a DataGridView control in C#

DataGridView is a cool windows forms component that can give you a grid view of your database tables similar to what you see in MS Access and connecting MySQL to .NET is a tricky thing......

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Connecting a MySQL table to a DataGridView control in C#


Since I started coding in grade 7 or so, I have worked with many programming languages and so far C# remains my favourite. (Java coming behind as a close second.) So when a small program is to be written, I prefer to choose C#. But if that program involves working with databases we are in a bit of a trouble. C# is naturally built to work with Microsoft SQL. But what if we do not want to sacrifice the freedom that we have with MySQL?

Connecting MySQL to .NET is a tricky thing. And it is a precondition to what I am going to write here. I would suggest you to go through this example and get some experience in connecting MySQL to .NET. I am going to build on it. 

Data Grid View

DataGridView is a cool windows forms component that can give you a grid view of your database tables similar to what you see in MS Access.